Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Wildflower Pictures and Taxes...

I am posting this here so that it will remind me to get it done. I have found a spot for pictures that I want to take my kids to but just get too busy to do it. So, I am thinking that if I post that I am going to do it then I will get it done...Yeah! Lets see if it works, lol.

Well, I finally finished up my part of our taxes yesterday. Now it is time to give it to our accountant. My head felt like it was going to burst yesterday while working on them. I started at 8:30 a.m. and didn't finished until around 9:30 last night. Fed my family grilled cheeses last night as it was just about the easiest and quickest dinner I could think of so I could continue on with our taxes. I didn't even stop for lunch and I was starving by dinner time, lol. Lets hope the accountant can give us some "good" news on our taxes.

1 comment:

pbmciver said...

Well, never did get those Spring pictures...UGH! Hopefully next year we can get them.