Saturday, September 27, 2008

My MIL...

My MIL has never really liked me - though not sure why as I would always clean her house when I go there. There always seemed to be dusting needed of all her never ending knicknacks! And I always washed the dishes at family gatherings so you would think that she liked me, huh? Anyway, she is very ill with lung cancer, has emphazema and is on hospice. I had to go to her house with Justin so he could say" hi" to his mammaw and grandaddy about a month ago when we were in their town doing a craft show. My little man just wouldn't let me leave town without going to see his grandparents, lol. So, we arrive around 7:30 p.m. I fix her dinner (there was actually explicit directions from my MIL on how to do this, of course). I help her get up and wash her face and guess what I did? I spill her expensive face cleaner all over her and the counter - I didn't know it was powder cleaner so when I opened it it just flew out - I had never heard of powder cleaner before in my life! She didn't seem to be upset with me and believe me I was a shaking, lol. I then get her back in her bed and arrange her zillion pillows around her so she can be comfortable. Then I tell her I will rub lotion on her feet because she said her feet are bothering her. She asks me to use her face cream - now this stuff cost $280 for a tub of it and I am not joking. I tell her are you sure you want me to use that and she said yes and that if I had something to put it in I could take some home with me. I tell her I am fine - maybe I should have taken some home, ya think? Anyway, I proceed and rub her feet and then offer to clip her toenails as they were so out of shape. And lo and behold guess what? She calls Kara last week and actually asks about me and said to tell Paula I love her!!! I am not joking. So, I told my husband that I should have clipped his mother's toenails many years ago! Yep - not kidding - clipping toenails must be the gateway to MIL's and DIL's - who would have thought? I thought I was doing all the right things by coming to her home and helping out but apparently it was the more personal things that she was needing. Or, maybe she has had time to think as her life is nearing the end about how we never really got to know each other. Whatever, I am actually enjoying getting to spend time with my "new" MIL and really getting to know her. I am leaving soon to go spend the day with her as Warren is at a Sami Show working with the girls and we will all meet up later at his parents house. Maybe I should bring me a tub for some of that cream - I make body butter and I have the containers here so maybe....., lol. I wonder if the offer will still be good.....

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Justin has been diagnosed..

with ADHD. He has really been a handful lately with struggling this past year with school work. The school tested him and he didn't have a learning disorder so they recommended he get testing for an attention disorder. Got the results in last weekand he was diagnosed with ADHD. He started taking meds this morning. His teacher actually e-mailed me with an improvement in his behavior and the best part is they didn't even know he was starting his meds because I hadn't told them yet. So, lets hope he continues to improve and get some good grades from now on. I am still not sure I am happy that he is taking meds on a daily basis though.

Family matters...

Warren has us started on a daily family bible study. One thing I want is for us and our home to glorify God and I am so excited. I felt like we were losing touch and so glad that we are getting back on track.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Things have been pretty busy for us. So glad the kids are back in school. Yesterday I got a call from Brittany at the high school that she forgot her literature book. Had to run that to her. Then, about an hour after getting back home I get a call from Shelbi that she needs something brought to her. What is going on with these girls? But, what is funny as I pick them up from school Brittany said she never even went t o pick up her book from the office! Then this morning as I am taking the kids to school Brittany says "wait, I forgot my literature book". I tell her no you didn't because you told me you never went to get it yesterday! She says, "oh yea". (lol). They are so funny.

I am so very thankful that Hurricane Gustav wasn't as bad as they had predicted and that everyone evacuated. My sister lives in New Orleans and she left on Saturday to go to Memphis. She wasn't waiting for another Hurricane to hit like Katrina! Now we have to pray that Hannah, Ike and Josephine are not catastrophic and that if they do head towards the gulf that people will evacuate again. I am so thankful that we don't live too close to the coast - I dont' know how I would be able to stand evacuating so many times in a hurricane season.