Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Well, I closed the store and garage cleaning...

I missed my jammies too much. Nah, just kidding. I didn't like "not knowing" what my kids were doing after school and we even had some grades slipping. So, I am back at home now that Summer is here and loving it. I can also volunteer at the 3 schools now and really get involved - which is what I was wanting to do anyway. Now I can monitor homework and help out when they need it. I am so excited, lol.

I still have my website which does pretty well on its on. I need to update a few things on there and get more fragrances listed. And we do the craft shows and festivals - which we really love because then we get to meet customers and hear their wonderful comments on our candles. We where at a festival last year and this one festival we do twice a year. I guess one lady bought a candle at one of the festivals and she came back at the next one 6 months later and we heard her telling her friend "now, there is my candle". That was so great to hear from a customer, lol. I am just glad to know I can still work and stay at home - Yay me! I didn't realize I had the best of both worlds when I had them and now that I have them again I want to cherish every moment.

We are getting the garage cleaned out so I can work and store my supplies in. We had a garage sale this weekend and one lady bought our china cabinet that has been an "eyesore" in my garage for 2 years. I really hated to get rid of that cabinet since Warren's mother bought it when Warren was about 5 years old and they really don' t make furniture that well anymore - but it just wasn't our "look". It was dark wood and I tend to like the lighter colors so it didn't fit in with the look of our home. Plus, I have Warren's grandmother's china hutch. Not as nice or fancy, more simple and it doesn't have the glass display or the light, but I cherish it much more. But sad thing is, even though we sold the chine cabinet it is still in our gargage, lol. She said she would come and get it Sunday afternoon and what is today? Tuesday, lol. Hopefully she didn't forget she bought it. We wrote down our address and phone number for her but didn't think to get her information in case she forgot she bought it, lol. Oh well, maybe "someday" she will remember she bought it and come and pick it up!

Now tell me - do people not know what a Bunn coffe pot is? I had one in our garage sale (the knew style at that and only put $40 on it - way much lower than the new price) and it is still sitting in my garage!!! I tell ya, if I was to go to a garage sale and saw a Bunn pot and didn't have one I would grab it up in a heartbeat, lol. We have managed to get two Bunn's and I don't like storing things so I thought I would get rid of it. Everybody that came to our garage sale was wanting penny priced items, lol. My neighbor is having a garage sale next week so I will just put it in her garage sale and see if it sales. If not, then maybe I am supposed to keep it, lol. But really why would you need two Bunns - they are warranted and you get replacement parts from Bunn free - or at least you used to. I threw out my first Bunn not knowing this...hehe. Warren's parents are always buying Bunn's so this is how we get every Bunn that we have ever had - with the exception of one that I bought years ago.

Anyway, I am loving my garage - Warren brought in my treadmill - boy that thing will work ya out. We put it in my living room as I don't think it will go in my bedroom - the treadmill is monster sized. He still needs to get my stair climber out of the garage. That thing will work you out also. I used to use it for one hour every day - not sure I will even be able to make it 5 minutes right now as I had to work up from like 3 minutes and add a little more every day just to get to one hour! Hopefully, I will one day get back up to an hour. I haven't used it in 2 years...hehe. I let my sister use it and it just sat there in her house so I asked her for it back so I could use it. I put it in my garage with my treadmill and they both just sat there for over a year. It is way too hot to work out in a garage so we are putting them in our living room. I know, not so pretty, but hey gotta get some use out of them, right? I can now flip on the tv and work away, lol.

Anyway, my garage is getting cleaned out. I still need to put up all the garage sale tables so I can park in there again - I just "hate" putting things away, lol. I love getting things out, but when it comes to putting them away that is a whole other story! I have a few things to put into the attic - Warren's humongous cooler for when he goes deer hunting - yep, been in our garage since November! Put Warren's old golf clubs back in the attic - or maybe sell them at my neighbors garage sale - I put $20 on them but nobody even looked. Maybe I will lower the price. Warren told me he paid a pretty penny for them brand new. Anyway, I just hate keeping things that aren't being used so I don't want them in my attic! I will be taking some things to the mission to give away. My garage is going to look "new" when I am finished, lol. I just wish we had a shed to put Warren's mower in - he bought this huge mower and it takes up half the garage - no I am not kidding! That thing is huge! I would love a shed to keep his mower, blower, weed eater, well anything yard related in. They have stipulations here what kind of shed you can put up - I believe if it is over the fence then it has to have a shingled roof and unfortunately for us I don't think Warren's mower will fit in a smaller shed - we would need the tall one that requires the shingles and they are a bit more pricey!

Another thing I would love to have in my garage are windows. Why don't we have them in our garage? Why doesn't every garage have windows? We were at Staci Stellges' last week and I think she had 3 windows - I know for a fact that she had 2 - lucky her!

Well, gotta get off here and clean up the house a bit!

Game Night...

We had a game night here last week with Don and Kelli, Sherman and Rachel, Jon and Kristen and Libby. What a great time we had. We played MadGab and that Rachel has got a very quick witted mind. She got the answers almost immediately. If we ever play again I want to be on her team! We started out playing the correct way - just 3 phrases at a time, but then it got too boring so we answered all the "phrases" on the 3 cards which made it 12 at a time. What is funny, we still had time from our 3 minutes even though we upped it to 12. Not really much of a challenge there, huh?

Next day Rachel and Kristen came over and we scrapbooked - I had so much fun since I haven't scrapbooked in over 2 years. Libby came by after her job interview (good luck, Libby - 3 days to go till ya hear something) and she even managed to put together a couple of pages. Rachel and Kristen had fun with my heat gun and embossed quite a few things - Rachel has such pretty "free handwriting" - she would just write out a phrase or word with the emboss pen and then shake the emboss powder on and heat gun away. Came out beautifully everytime. Wish I had perfect handwriting. Sometimes, I have to read and reread my writing to even come close to know what I wrote, lol.