Sunday, December 28, 2008

Have to do a little braggin'

on my precious baby boy. Well, don't let him know I called him " baby" as he hates that. He is a full grown 8 year old boy... :)

I was at his school Christmas party and this lady brought him in a gift and not the other kids. I asked him what it was for and he told me the most precious story that brought joyous tears to my eyes. There is this little blind boy at his school. At recess time he went and played with the boy and was very nice to him. So, his teacher brought Justin a gift for being so sweet.

That has to be one of the most proudest mommy moments I could ever ask for.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Oh how beautiful the snow was.

It was nice driving in neighborhoods and seeing people out playing in the snow. I saw a ton of snowmen in yards and even on cars.

My kids got to enjoy the snow as did my husband. Kara and Justin were in the front yard playing while I was videoing them. Warren came from the back of the house and had a surprise attack on all of us. He had a jacket full of snowballs, lol.

We live on a culdesac and just about everybody on it was out playing - so exciting hearing and seeing all the laughter.

It saddens my heart to see the snow melting. I will forever remember the time when all I heard was laughter outside. I just wish we could all be like that year round towards each other. Funny how something like snow can bring all this cheer, but if it was just the cold weather you wouldn't see all the smiles....

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Christmas Music online...

I know I am on a roll - but I am finally getting a little free time so I can post some things, lol.

I keep my computer set to and play Christmas music all day long. I just love this time of year!

Homemade laundry detergent...

Here is a recipe for a laundry detergent that will save you lots of money plus make your clothes cleaner and brighter. All items are found at the Kroger on Longmire.

Now you can either do this as a powder or a gel. If you want gel the directions are as below.

1/3 bar Fels Naptha, grated.
1/2 cup Arm & Hammer washing soda
1/2 cup borax powder
2 gallon size bucket

Put grated soap in large saucepan. Add 6 cups water and heat it until soap melts. Add washing soda and borax and stir until it is dissolved. Remove from heat. Pour 4 cups hot water into bucket. Add soap mixture and stir. Add 1 gallon plus 6 cups of water and stir. Let the soap sit for about 24 hours and it will gel. Use 1/2 cup per load. It will be a low sudsing soap.

Now if you want a powder detergent just grate the fels naptha in a food processor on the smallest disk until you get a powdery substance. Mix with the rest of the ingredients and you are done and ready to wash clothes. You would only add 2 tablespoons of the powder per load.

Exfoliating your face...

Who would have known you could exfoliate your face with ingredients you have in your home. I have such oily skin (yet dry in places) and back last January I asked some very good online friends what can I do for my face as when I put on makeup I see dry flaky skin so I just choose not to wear it since it looks stupid, lol.

Well, I finally pulled the recipe yesterday and I have to say that even this morning my face looks "clean" with no flakes at all.

The recipe - Grind up oatmeal in your blender. Mix with grapeseed oil to make a paste. Apply to face, but not around the eyes. Rinse with warm water. If you have sensitive skin you would use buttermilk in place of the oil. You can find grapeseed oil at the grocery store in a green can with all the other oils. Your face will feel so soft afterwards and you, I promise you, will not believe how soft it is.

Now, I do make my own body scrubs with plain white sugar and regular soy oil (100% vegetable oil). You can also use brown sugar or ground coffee for your scrub. I need to make some up as I haven't done this in a while. Oh, if you do make some up just make up enough to use and throw the rest away - you don't want to keep it as it can get "beasties" growing in it (bacteria). When I make mine I use a preservative, but I also don't put wet hands in it so I can reuse it.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Made in America...

Why are the grocery stores buying fish from China???

We have started buying Tilapia from Wal-Mart. I noticed at the fresh fish counter that it states "product from China". I thought...What? Why would they buy fish from China. I then saw Tilapia in the frozen section and the box also stated "product from China"...UGH! Well, I have to admit that I buy it anyway, because how else will I get it? I can't go out and catch it myself!

We decided to try a different fish. So, I go looking again and I see perch. I think, there is no way perch is from China, right? WRONG! Now tell me, with all the lakes AND fisherman in the states why are they buying perch of all things from so far away? I am just so baffled why the governnment doesn't regulate our foods a little better!

Another thing, what happened to all the "made in America/USA" signs we used to see years ago - they are long gone. I can't say when I saw it last. That used to be a major advertising slogan but you don't hear it anymore - or if you do it is very rare. They say our economy is bad - well no wonder. Everything we buy is from overseas - we are not supporting the American farmer, the fisherman or basically any manufacturer here in the states anymore.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Expired pancake mix warning...

Check out snopes about a warning on expired pancake mix. The yeast will mold and can be fatal if you prepare expired pancake mix. Who would have thought? I know I am bad about buying pancake mix and having it "forever" before it is all used up. I believe the article also mentions bisquits and brownie mixes as well - check those dates. However, I can honestly say that no brownie mix in my home will last past the expired date. Bisquits maybe, but definitely not brownies!