Friday, October 17, 2008

Made in America...

Why are the grocery stores buying fish from China???

We have started buying Tilapia from Wal-Mart. I noticed at the fresh fish counter that it states "product from China". I thought...What? Why would they buy fish from China. I then saw Tilapia in the frozen section and the box also stated "product from China"...UGH! Well, I have to admit that I buy it anyway, because how else will I get it? I can't go out and catch it myself!

We decided to try a different fish. So, I go looking again and I see perch. I think, there is no way perch is from China, right? WRONG! Now tell me, with all the lakes AND fisherman in the states why are they buying perch of all things from so far away? I am just so baffled why the governnment doesn't regulate our foods a little better!

Another thing, what happened to all the "made in America/USA" signs we used to see years ago - they are long gone. I can't say when I saw it last. That used to be a major advertising slogan but you don't hear it anymore - or if you do it is very rare. They say our economy is bad - well no wonder. Everything we buy is from overseas - we are not supporting the American farmer, the fisherman or basically any manufacturer here in the states anymore.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Expired pancake mix warning...

Check out snopes about a warning on expired pancake mix. The yeast will mold and can be fatal if you prepare expired pancake mix. Who would have thought? I know I am bad about buying pancake mix and having it "forever" before it is all used up. I believe the article also mentions bisquits and brownie mixes as well - check those dates. However, I can honestly say that no brownie mix in my home will last past the expired date. Bisquits maybe, but definitely not brownies!