Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Wildflower Pictures and Taxes...

I am posting this here so that it will remind me to get it done. I have found a spot for pictures that I want to take my kids to but just get too busy to do it. So, I am thinking that if I post that I am going to do it then I will get it done...Yeah! Lets see if it works, lol.

Well, I finally finished up my part of our taxes yesterday. Now it is time to give it to our accountant. My head felt like it was going to burst yesterday while working on them. I started at 8:30 a.m. and didn't finished until around 9:30 last night. Fed my family grilled cheeses last night as it was just about the easiest and quickest dinner I could think of so I could continue on with our taxes. I didn't even stop for lunch and I was starving by dinner time, lol. Lets hope the accountant can give us some "good" news on our taxes.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Well I did it...

I opened a store. I am scared at times and I really miss being able to wear my jammies all day long. Sometimes, I think "what was I thinking of opening a store"! I mean, I really miss my jammies! However, I have actually been blessed in some of the people that I have met at the shop so I don't think I would give this up at least not yet anyway. Now maybe when my lease expires, who knows!

After I opened the store I started volunteering at the school and I really enjoy that and wish I could do more than I am able. I will have two kids at the high school next year and one more the next year. They are growing up so fast and I don't want to miss out on all I could have done by working.

One good plus about having the store is that my house is pretty much cleared of all the candle "stuff". You couldn't get in my kitchen before the store - my counters were full of melting pots, oils (and ask my husband when you see him how a fragrant sandwhich tastes, lol). I still laugh when I think of him tasting the fragrance oil ...hehehe. He made the funniest face!

Another plus having it out of the house is I don't work as much. When it was here I couldn't stop working because it was here and I had to fill wholesale orders, get ready for a festival or fill a web order. It was so hard not to work when all my supplies was here 24/7. Now I am able to leave my shop at 5:30 and if it didn't get done then it waits till the next day. My family really came last when my "stuff" was here so that has been a blessing for our family to get it out of the house as our house is more of a home now.

Well, I got to get off the computer now and get busy on our taxes...UGH! Time is running out so I am in a rush to get it done and I haven't even started gathering everything yet...Yikes!

Sunday, April 6, 2008


Have you heard about the "Oprah Church"?

If you haven't, here is the link.
