Sunday, August 26, 2007

Haven't been on in a while...

Have had a pretty busy summer. The kids were gone for the most part and I had to recently go to Louisiana twice to visit my dad as he has been in and out of the hospital. Please keep him in your prayers as he isn't doing too good. I pray that he isn't in more pain than necessary and that he will be able to bear what pain he does has. He has congestive heart failure and was recently diagnosed with lung cancer. In his treatment of radiation, somehow they messed up his good lung so his battle is really tough right now. He was in ICU on life support just a little over 2 weeks ago and by the grace of God he got better. He went home and now he refuses to go back to the hospital as my stepmom let him know when he was in the hospital how difficult his medical bills were putting a strain on them financially. He doesn't want to be a burdon, financially or otherwise, so he just wishes to stay home and take whatever comes. Before he went home from the hospital, he was ready to stay in there and get better - which he was as he was getting very strong. Now he is home and he is very week again.